Bears Make the Best Science Buddies

Illustrator: Jean Claude
Publisher: Capstone Young Readers/Curious Fox, August 1, 2020
Purchase: Indiebound ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Amazon

It’s time for the first science lab, and nobody can agree on an experiment. But why pick just one when Bear is around? Bears makes the best science buddies, and Bear proves it by helping each group use the scientific method for its special experiment. This fourth picture book in Carmen Oliver’s Bears Make the Best…series will bring the excitement of science to a new level. One of the four experiments used in the book are detailed in the back matter.

Downloadable Educator Guide is here!!!! BEARS MAKE THE BEST SCIENCE BUDDIES Guide

Downloadable Paper Googles created by author/illustrator Salina Yoon! PaperGoggles


Downloadable Milk & Cookie Experiment/Activity is here!!! Great Milk and Cookie Dunk Experiment Activity

Downloadable Exploding Lava Experiment/Activity is here!! Exploding Lava Activity

Downloadable Potato Clock Experiment/Activity is here!! Potato Clock Experiment

Stay tuned for the Cloud in a Jar experiment. Coming Soon!


“When you stop and think about it, all kids are natural born scientists. From a very young age, they start experimenting with different things to see what will happen next. Once they are old enough to talk, they start asking, “why?” to everything. I love that this book allows kids to nurture their spirit of curiosity. Children will see a diverse group of students with faces that match their own and learn the proper way to conduct a science experiment.” Reviewer Charnaie Gordon,