Illustrator: Miren Asiain Lora
Publisher: NorthSouth Books/Sept 6, 2022
Purchase: Bookshop/Indiebound/Amazon/Barnes & Noble
Snuggle up for a story that’s sure to captivate your senses!
There’s a special place deep in the heart of the wilderness where the creatures of the night gather—where everyone wants to go—where the Night Librarian spins a tale of mystery.
Fireflies, nighthawks, bats, mice, and brightly colored beetles make themselves comfortable on the forest floor as the Night Librarian transports them into the land of imagination with her silver silken stories. From feasts of tangy berries and salty seeds, to cozy honey comb hives and whisker kisses, to the scent of evergreens, crashing waves of blue oceans, and echoing canyons, Carmen Oliver’s lyrical text and Miren Asiain Lora’s ethereal art is sure to evoke your senses and send you into dreamland to spin stories of your own.
Free Downloadable Educator Guide by Debbie Gonzales (Guides by Deb) for THE TWILIGHT LIBRARY. Download it HERE!
Free! Download Spin A Web Story time Activity HERE!
Free! Download Spider & Spiderweb Fun Fact Sheet HERE!
Interior Spreadshttps://carmenoliver.com/wp-admin/upload.php?item=1054
The Twilight Library is a 2022 Foreword INDIES Finalist! Thank you, ForewordReviews! https://www.forewordreviews.com/awards/books/the-twilight-library/
“Oliver and Lora have created an homage to the ability of words to paint pictures in the imagination more powerful than anything the real world holds.”–School Library Journal
“This exquisite picture book, perfect for bedtime, envisions a night spent among nocturnal creatures in a truly unique library.”–BookPage
The creative gathering of animals (“Flap, Flap, Fly” for the bat) and the spider’s repeating line, “…let me spin, spin you a story,” draw the reader in. This is a perfect book for bedtime storytime – send your little ones to bed with dreams of stories, and have them create their own stories in the morning.—Jennifer Sniadecki, Media Literacy Coordinator, SBCSC
“The beauty of the words and images in this title recognize and uplift the power of story. You will want a copy of this book in your professional and personal Twilight Libraries.” — Margie Myers-Culver, Media Specialist, Librarian’s Quest
“Gorgeously beautiful illustrations illuminate the setting of the sun, the dusk, the night. A soft luminous tale.”–Youth Services Book Review